A bunion isn’t just unsightly; it can be extremely painful and even make it hard for you to walk. If you have a troublesome bony lump like a bunion on your foot, Tim McConn, DPM, can help. Dr. McConn has offices in Midtown Tulsa, South Tulsa, and Owasso, Oklahoma, where he uses the most advanced technologies and latest techniques to bring relief to patients suffering from bunions as well as have them walking much quicker than traditional techniques. Call the location nearest you or use the online form to book an appointment today.

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What is a bunion?

A bunion is a painful lump on the inside of your foot which is entirely genetic. It is a change in the position of your bones over time leading to prominence on the inside of your foot near your great toe joint. A bunion is progressive and will get worse over time leading to limited shoe gear, increased pain, and altered lifestyles. Having your bunion addressed sooner than later leads to a more predictable outcome as well as a better prognosis.

Why does a bunion develop?

If your great toe angles in toward your other toes instead of pointing forward, that creates pressure on the joint. In time, the weight of your body pressing on the joint makes it spread and increases the pressure on the bone behind.

Bunions are more likely to affect you if:

  • You have a family history of bunions
  • Your foot structure is poor
  • You have arthritis in your feet
  • Your legs are different lengths

Do I need to see a foot and ankle surgeon about my bunion?

When a bunion first starts to form, it’s usually more of a nuisance or an unsightly blemish than anything else. However, as it gets worse, your bunion is likely to become increasingly tender and inflamed. The skin over the bunion gets redder, shinier, and tighter too.

Without treatment, a bunion can become so large it makes it hard to wear shoes, and a painful bunion can even prevent you from walking properly. It’s still possible for Dr. McConn to treat an advanced bunion, but the earlier you seek help, the better.

What treatments are there for bunions?

The treatments Dr. McConn uses begin with conservative approaches, which could include:

  • Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Using ice packs
  • Wearing custom shoes
  • Using orthotics inside your shoes
  • Padding or splinting the foot
  • Taping the foot
  • Cortisone injections
  • Regenerative medicine

If these measures aren’t relieving the discomfort of a bunion, Dr. McConn might recommend surgery. He uses a technique that corrects the deformity in all 3 anatomic planes and does not require a “jig” to achieve his corrections.

This procedure has distinct advantages over traditional bunion surgery, which requires 6-8 weeks of keeping weight off the foot. Dr. McConn’s technique allows you to start walking in a special boot 2 weeks after your surgery, reducing the recovery time, and minimizing the disabling effect of surgery.

To find out more about relieving bunion pain, call Tim McConn, DPM, today or book an appointment online.